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01.02 - Define your company folder structure
01.02 - Define your company folder structure
Updated over a week ago

In your company space, organizing your documents is a breeze. You have the flexibility to create new folders effortlessly by simply clicking the designated button and entering a name. Alternatively, you can easily drag and drop existing folders to create subfolders, providing a hierarchical structure for better organization. This functionality remains consistent whether you're managing your private space or your company space, ensuring a seamless experience.

We highly recommend utilizing folders to categorize your documents effectively. Consider creating separate folders for each project or department, enabling you to classify your documents across multiple applications. This unified folder system simplifies document management for your entire business, streamlining access and retrieval.

Overall, organizing your company's documents is straightforward within Frame. Whether it's creating new folders, arranging them into subfolders, or adopting a structured approach with separate folders for projects and departments, Frame offers the tools you need to keep your documents organized and accessible across your entire business ecosystem.

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